Quality Improvement Programs

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High quality early care and education improves children’s readiness for kindergarten, improves vocabulary and problem-solving skills and increases children’s’ ability to get along well with others.

To provide quality care a caregiver should be committed to improving their skills through training.  Programs for Parents assists child care providers in improving the quality of their child care though programs such as:
Grow NJ Kids (QRIS) (https://www.programsforparents.org/grow-nj-kids/) ,
Strengthening Families (https://www.programsforparents.org/strengthening-families/) ,
New Jersey First Steps (https://www.programsforparents.org/new-jersey-first-steps/) ,
the Newark Family Engagement Network (https://www.programsforparents.org/newark-family-engagement-network/)
and the Greater Newark Shared Services Alliance (https://www.programsforparents.org/shared-services/).

Parents and providers of early care and education may also find useful information, videos and resources through the following websites:

Head Start and Early Head Start focused – (https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov)
Choosing Quality Child Care, Applying for subsidy, Types of child care providers, New Jersey focused – (http://www.childcarenj.gov)

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